Energy Efficiency of a Log Home
The National Bureau of Standards and Technology erected test structures and recorded their energy consumption, their findings were amazing. They found that over a 3 week spring heating period, a log structure used 46% less energy than the same sized insulated wood-frame structure; during the 11 week summer period, the log structure used 24% less cooling energy than the insulated wood frame structure; and during the 14 week winter period; the log structure used 15% less than the insulated wood-frame structure.
There is often confusion about the energy efficiency of log homes as compared to traditional stick-built homes.
Two Factors
There are two primary factors that determine the ability of a wall to be an effective barrier to temperature differences. One is "R-Value," which is a numerical measure of a material's resistance to heat flow over a defined thickness of that material. Second is "thermal mass," which is a measure of a material's ability to store heat and thereby delay heat flow.
Traditional Insulated Frame Walls
Conventional framed walls typically use fiberglass insulation and have an R-value of about R-13 to R-19. Fiberglass is a good, lightweight insulating material which traps air within its fibers and is therefore a poor conductor of heat. It, however, has very low mass and does not store heat.
Solid Log Walls
Log walls are dense and heavyweight, making them poorer insulators of heat than air-filled fiberglass walls. In fact, a log wall the same thickness as an insulated wall (about 6-7 inches) would only have an R-value of about R-9. However, the high density of solid wood also creates an important "mass effect." Instead of heat being conducted through a log wall, as the lower R-value might suggest, the heat is actually stored in the logs and significantly delayed in its release. This allows, for example, high outside temperatures to be effectively blocked and stored during the hottest part of the day, and released during the cooler night. In winter, heat from the inside of your home is stored in the logs and released back during the colder night. In effect, thermal mass tends to even out large temperature changes. This interesting phenomenon is often referred to as "thermal capacitance."
What It Means
Because of thermal mass benefits, log homes, can be 2.5% - 15% more energy efficient than comparable stick-built homes, according to the National Association of Home Builders, Log Homes Council. Assuming other parts of the home, such as roof, floors, windows, and doors, are similarly insulated, log homes can cost significantly less to heat and cool. Many log homes in cold climates are heated with nothing other than a single fireplace or stove.
Note: No home, no matter the type of construction is energy efficient if poor construction methods are used.
The majority of our logs are produced from Lodge Pole Pine, Engelmann Spruce, and Douglas Fir. Logs are cut from dead standing timber, which eliminates the need for kiln drying. This insures less shrinkage and a better fit.
Swedish Cope Logs
This style is known for its beauty, strength, and efficiency. The saddle notched corner system is aesthetically pleasing, and locks the two walls in a corner together. We use only dead standing dry timbers, minimizing the settling process. To ensure quality our Swedish Cope wall logs are all grade stamped by Timber Product Inspections (TPI). The majority of our logs are produced from Lodge Pole Pine, Engelmann Spruce, and Douglas Fir. Log sizes range from 6 to 16 inches in diameter.
This style is also know as a tongue and groove system. The logs are flat on the inside, round on the outside, with tongue and groove notches on the top and bottom. The logs are locked together with the tongue and groove system. The corners are designed where one log butts into the side of the log that continues out past the corner of the wall. Every other log in a corner will alternate as it is stacked. This giving the corner a staggered look called "Butt & Pass." These logs are also grade stamped by Timber Products Inspections (TPI). Log sizes are 6x8, 8x8, 6x12 and 8X12.
Additional Options:
Random Lengths:
A typical log package utilizes random length logs in the walls. Random lengths make the log package fast and easy to assemble. Just about any log can be used anywhere in the home-no searching through heavy bundles of logs looking for the one log you need. One important benefit is that random lengths make it possible to make changes to your home after the logs arrive (which happens more often than not). This making random lengths our most popular choice, however you do have the option to have your log package pre-cut & tagged for an additional fee.
Full Length:
Although most of our customers utilize the random length system we also offer log packages in full length. The walls consist of logs that are all full length with nearly no butt joints. These logs are cut to an exact length, notched & labeled for a specific location in the wall. This is however a more expensive option.